Monday, January 2, 2017

gclient sync ... Cannot fast-forward merge, attempt to rebase? (y)es / (q)uit / (s)kip

Here is the workaround solution for the problem:

4) gclient sync

Syncing projects:   2% ( 2/84) src-internal

src-internal (ERROR)
[0:00:01] Started.
_____ src-internal at refs/remotes/origin/master
[0:00:05] Cannot fast-forward merge, attempt to rebase? (y)es / (q)uit / (s)kip :

Just push your changes to remote repo.
Seriously. Somehow gclient corectly resolves dependencies when pulling DEPS from remote.

The following script extracts all audio streams from files in current directory

The following script extracts all audio streams from files in current directory ls |parallel "ffmpeg -i {} 2>&1 |\ sed -n &...